Shri Durga Shikshan Sanstha's





Permanently Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

SSJ arjuni founder

Department of GEOGRAPHY

About the department

Nature and human beings are closely related. Various surrounding natural factors affect the human being. Therefore, the study of human-environment correlations is at the core of geography. Geography is an important subject in this regard. Keeping this in view, the department of geography was started in the college in 1994–95. The laboratory of the Department of Geography is well equipped with the necessary materials. Bionoculars, telescopes, LCD projectors, interactive boards, slide projectors, automatic slide projectors, wall maps, 3D maps and models, charts, toposheets, weather maps, survey equipment, etc., in the department attract students to the study of geography. Geographical tours, astronomical observations, bird watching tours, regular field visits, and socio-economic surveys are organised every year for the students. Therefore, this department, which initially had 50 students, has now reached more than 200.

Dr. Motilal Ramchandra Darve

M.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


Prof. Rajesh Pralhad dongarwar

M.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor


  • Geography as an elective Subject
  1. To ensure that students are able to put theoretical, methodological and instrumental knowledge into practice, make comprehensive analyses, interpret spatial problems and processes and make territorial diagnoses.
  2. To be able to explain territorial diversity and complexity, and the interrelations of natural environmental phenomena with economical, social and cultural phenomena.
  3. To ensure that students are able to act and take part in the management of territory by drawing on their training in geography.
  4. To develop the specific skills related to work techniques, particularly those related to the obtention, analysis, process and representation of geographical information and fieldwork.
  5. To ensure that the mecessary knowledge to teach geography at secondary school level is given, in accordance with the current legislation.
  6. To enable graduates to take postgraduate or specialisation courses in which a territorial component is dealt with.

Guest Lecture,

Study Tour,

Socio-Economic Survey,

Student Seminar,

Geography Day,

Ozone Day,

Wildife Week.

Dr. M. R. Darve

Research Paper Publish  : 01

Chapter in Book  : 01


S.N. Name Designation
1 Dr. Kishor N. Pustode Lecturer in Geography , Bharnoli
2. Shri. Anil P. Shende Funcutional Area Expert (Socio-Economic) in Environmental Counsultancy & Environmental Resources Mumbai
3. Dr. Rajesh Bhendarkar Assitt. Professor, N. P. W. College Sangadi
4. Mr. Pamesh Lanjewar Technical Assitt. In SEC Railway
5. Mr. Anil P. Hanekar Assit. Teacher in Siregaon
6 Mr. Sabdir Sakhare Head Master in jr. College Girola
7. Mr. Mahesh Nandeshwar – Lecturer in Kamlesh Uke Jr. College Sawangi
8. Dr. Alkarani Dudhabure Assitt. Rofessor in Pashine MV Dasgaon
9. Mr. Sachin R. Dongarwar Assitt. Professor in keshori