Shri Durga Shikshan Sanstha's





Permanently Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

SSJ arjuni founder

Dr Dwarpal L. Chaudhari

He has been working as an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Physics since 2012. He has authored 2 books. He is very active in research and has published 08 research papers in national and international journals and also writes chapters in a book. He was awarded PhD in 2021. He has participated in and presented papers at national and international conferences.  He is a member of College IQAC and actively works in the different committees in college also involved in different extension activities run by the department.


Associate Professor

Affiliating Department


Academic Qualifications

M.Sc., M.Phil., SET, Ph.D.

Teaching Experience

11 years



Date of Appointmnt

January 12, 2012

Mobile Number


Contact Mail

Research Works

S. N. Title Journal/Publisher
1 Study of structural and magnetic properties of Zinc-Substituted Cadmium ferrite nanocrystals. Materials today proceedings
2. Synthesis, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Gadolinium-Doped Ni–Zn Ferrites Synthesized by Sol–Gel Auto-Combustion Route. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
3. Study of Electrical Conduction in Gadolinium Doped Ni-Zn Spinel Ferrite, High Technology Letters High Technology letters
4. Study of optical properties of Gadolinium doped Ni-Zn spinel ferrites Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu
5. Effect of Rare earth (Gd3+) Cations on Structural and Magnetic properties of Ni-Zn Spinel ferrites  Journal of SIPN
6. The dynamics of E-Waste Generation, Management and Environmental Impact. International Journal of Researches in Biosciences ,Agriculture and Technology
7. Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles: Synthesis,    Characterization and Applications International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd)
8. E-waste: The Current trends and scenario in  India Vidyawarta

Book publications:

  • Textbook of Physics, R.T.M.N.U. B.Sc. Sem-VI, Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Textbook of Physics, Gondwana University, B.Sc. Sem-III, Himalaya Publishing House

Papers Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops 

  1. Presented paper in national level conference on “Current Development in Nanoscience: Challenge and Opportunities” entitled The Potential application of nanotechnology in nano – electronics organized by Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur on 14 Sept. 2013.
  2. Presented paper in national level conference on “Quality  Skill Development Initiatives in Higher Education Institution” entitled Challenges of Quality Sustenance in rural higher Education Institutions, Organized by College Gondia on 14-15 march 2015.
  3. Presented a paper at a national level conference on “Advanced Research In Physics – Its role in the development of Society’’ entitled  “Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni, Cu , Zn & Mg In Co ferrite” organized by Autonomous cell, Govt. Digvijay P.G. Autonomous College , Rajnandgaon ( C.G.) on 29 Jan 2018.
  4. Presented a paper at an international level conference on “Multifunctional Advanced materials” entitled “A review on the synthesis, properties and applications of NiZn Spinel ferrite” organized by Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Nagpur 5-7 Oct 2018.
  5. Presented a paper at the national level conference on “Solid state Chemistry and allied areas” entitled Structural, Electrical and IR analysis of Gd doped Ni-Zn Spinel ferrite Synthesized by sol-gel method organized by S K Porwal College Kamptee 20-21 Dec 2019.
  6. Presented a paper at an international level conference on “Advances in Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences” entitled Synthesis and magnetic properties of Gadolinium substituted Ni-Zn ferrites organized by the Department of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Comp. & LIT RTMNU, Nagpur on 13-16 Feb 2020.
  7. Presented a paper at in international level conference on “Innovative trends in natural and applied sciences -2021 “entitled Antimicrobial properties of Gd doped Ni-Zn ferrite nanoparticles against pathogenic bacteria” organized by M G College of Science Gadchandur on 17-18 Aug 2021.

Seminar/conference/workshops etc attended

  • Attended more than 25 seminars/workshops/conferences

Administrative Experience

  • Appointment as a member of the Special Taskforce Committee by RTM Nagpur University (2022)

Recognition/Awards/Appreciation at National or International Level

Other Academic or Non Academic Contribution

  • Worked on several committees constituted by the College.
  • Paper setting work at College and University levels.
  • Paper valuation and moderation work at the College and University levels.
  • Worked as Chief Supervisor for RTM Nagpur University examination.
  • Course Coordinator of the skilled-based certificate course “Basic electronics and product testing”.