Shri Durga Shikshan Sanstha's





Permanently Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

SSJ arjuni founder

Dr. Nitin D Vilaytkar

He has been working as an assistant professor and head of the department of Chemistry since 2010. He received his PhD in 2016 and has since published 17 papers in reputable national and international journals. He has a PhD supervisor approved by R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur in the field of chemistry.


Associate Professor

Affiliating Department


Academic Qualifications

M.Sc., NET, Ph.D.

Teaching Experience

12 years


Organic and Polymer Chemistry

Date of Appointmnt

July 21, 2010

Mobile Number


Contact Mail

Research Works

Papers Published Papers in Journals

  1. Application Of Activated Carbon Derived From Caster Fruit Shell As Green Environmental Material Vilayatkar N D, Rahangdale P K,  Gadegone S M,  & Kurzekar R.R.   International Journal Of Researches In Bioscience Agriculture &Technolgy ISSN No. (Online) 2347-517x pp-1121-1130 Jan.2014
  2. Application of activated carbon derived from Acacia Nilotica Fruit shell Vilayatkar N.D., Gadegone S.M. and Rahangdale P.K International journal of researches in Bioscience Agriculture & Technolgy Feb.2015 ISSN No. (Online) 2347-517X pp 71-80 Feb.2015
  3. Removal of Carcinogenic Cr(VI) using Cajanus cajan pericarp activated carbon Vilayatkar N.D., Gadegone S.M. and Rahangdale P.K  International journal of recent Scientific Research  2014 ISSN No.0976-3031 pp.1654-1657, September, 2014
  4. Application of CFFSAC as new Adsorbent Material for Cd(II) Vilayatkar N.D., Gadegone S.M. and Rahangdale P.K  International journal of Chemical and Physical  Sciences ISSN No. – 2319-6602 pp.-116-121 Jan-2015.
  5. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of New Terpolymeric Resin, Vilayatkar N.D., Gadegone S.M. and Rahangdale P.K J. of  Research  in Engineering and Applied Sciences  ISSN- 2249 -3905  pp. 48-55 Dec.2015.
  6. Biosorption of Cadmium from Solution by Trapanantas, Vilayatkar N D, Rahangdale P K,  Gadegone S M , Rathod Y. U. Der Pharmacia Letter ISSN 0975-5071 pp-281-287 Jun. 2016.
  7. Adsorption of Cadmium(II) from solution onto activated carbon prepared from Madhuca longifolia Fruit Shell, Vilayatkar N.D. , Rahangdale P.K., Donadkar D.K. International Journal of Advanced Research ISSN 2320-5407 pp 1360-1364 May. 2016.
  8. New Terpolymeric Resin 4-HAPHF-II Synthesis, Characterization And Application Vilayatkar N.D., Gadegone S.M. and Rahangdale P.K. Bionano Frontier 0974-0678,  Pp-299-301                 Jan-2017
  9. Photocatalyst Biocl-Chitosan And There Photocatalyric Activity For Methylene Blue Dye Kurzekar R. R., Rahangdale P. K.  Pande H. M. Vilaytkar N. D International Journal Of Advance And Innovative Research Volume 4, Issue 4 (Iii): Pp-14-19    , 2017.
  10. Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of 8-HydroxyQuinoline/ Phenyl Hadrazine/ Formaldehyde Terpolymeric Resin  Rahangdale P.K., Vilayatkar N.D., Shende S.S.,Meshram U.P.  American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences  ISSN (Print): 2328-3777 pp.42-46.  2017.
  11. An Efficient and Selective α-Monobromination of Aromatic Ketones under Ultrasonic Irradiation in Aqueous Medium Devendra S. Wagare ,Mazahar Farooqui, Nitin D. Vilayatkar and Ayesha N. Durrani Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry pp: 165–168           2017.
  12. Carcinogenic Cr(VI) Abetment Applicability of 8-HQPHF-II Terpolymer Rahangdale P.K.; meshram U.P., Shende S.S.; Vilayatkar N.D., Alochana Chakra Journal pp 4837-4844 May 2020.
  13. Synthesis and characterization of terpolymeric resin for removal of hexavalent chromium Nitin D. Vilayatkar , Pralhad K. Rahangdale, Sudhir M. Maskey, Sudip Mondal Materials Today: Proceedings pp 776-780 May 2020.
  14. Removal of Divalent Cadmium by 8-HQTF-II Terpolymeric Resin S.S. Shende, P. K. Rahangdale, S. Mondal, S.R. Deshmukh and D. Vilayatkar Gorteria Journal, Volume 34, Issue 1 ISSN: 0017-2294, pp- 397-404 Jan. 2021.
  15. Removal of Hexavalent Chromium By Using Newly Synthesized 4-HAMF-II Terpolymeric Resin S. M. Maskey, D.S. Wagare , P.K. Rahangdale and N. D. Vilayatkar  High Technology Letters Volume 27, Issue 3, ISSN : 1006-6748 pp-235-240, March. 2021.
  16. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of 4-HAMF Terpolymeric Resin S. S. Shende, S. G. Khobragade, R. R. Kurzekar, P.K. Rahangdale and D. Vilayatkar  Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University Volume 17, Issue 4, ISSN: 1007-1172,        pp-41-47  April – 2021
  17. Sunlight Mediated Photocatalytic Degradation of RhB By BiOCl/Fe Photocatalyst D. Vilayatkar,  P. K. Rahangdale, R. S. Ukare, S. S. Shende  & R. R. Kurzekar  Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University Volume 17, Issue 4, ISSN: 1007-1172,              pp-75-81 April – 2021

Papers Presented In Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

  1. Presented paper in the National Conference on “Advance functional Material” entitled “Decolourising properties of newly develop TiO2 function Material for waste-water treatment” organized by Department of Chemistry, VNIT, Nagpur. 2013
  2. Presented paper in the national Conference on “Drug Discovery, Current and emerging opportunities” entitled Drug Discovery; Ancient and Modern approach” organized by B.Science college, Gondia. Feb. 2013
  3. Presented paper in the State level Conference on “Recent trends in Coordination chemistry” entitled “Co-ordinate Bonding assisted sorption ; Recent trend  Towards heavy metal removal from polluted water” organized by B.Patel College of Arts Commerce &Science, Sakoli. March. 2013
  4. Presented paper in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical sciences Entitle “ Synthesis, characterization and application of new-terpolymer ”organized by Shri Shivaji College of Atrs, Commerce and Sciences, Akola 2018
  5. Presented paper in the National Conference on “Advance Research in physics-its role in the development of society” entitled “Studies of removal of toxic Cr(VI) using polymeric material from waste water” organized by Digvijay P.G. Autonomous college, Rajnandgaon(C.G) . 2018
  6. Presented paper in the National Conference on “Environment Sustainability & Teaching Tools in covid-19 Scenario” entitled “Photocatalyst BiOCl-Chitosan And There Photocatalytic Activity For Congo Red Dye ” organized by Jagadambha college, Yavatmal. May-2020

Seminar/conference/workshops etc attended

  • Participated in One Day Intercollegiate Workshop on “Creative  Intelligency : A key of Success”  at S.S. Girl college,  Gondia on 24th 2011.
  • Participated in Two Day National Conference on “Challenges in Drug Discovery and Development” at Indian Society of Chemist and Biologists, Lucknow on 9-10 Dec.
  • Participated in Two Day National Conference on“Recent Researches in Chemistry: A Journey Towards Social Upliftment” at Lokmanya Tilkal Mahavidyalaya, Wani on 14 & 15 Feb.
  • Participated in One Day State Seminar on “Role of Physical Education & Sport in Rural Development” at S.S. Jaiswal College on 21th2012.
  • Participated in One Day National Conference on “Quality Sustenance in Higher Education Institutions” at D.B.Science College, Gondia on 16 & 17th 2012.
  • Participated in One Day University level Workshop on “Syllabus Discussion-Scope & Limitation” at Dr. Ambedkar College, Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur on 16th2012
  • Participated in Seven Days National Workshop on “Research Methodology” at S.S. Jaiswal College, Arjuni Morgaon Dist.-Gondia. 26 Sep. to 02 Oct.
  • Participated in Three Day National Conference on “Advanced Functional Material” at VNIT, Nagpur on 21 & 23th 2013.
  • Participated in One Day National Seminar on “ Chemistry for Drug Discovery: Current and emerging Opportunities” at D.B. Science College, Gondia on 3rd 2013.
  • Participated in One Day Technical Event on “GREENCHEM-13” at Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering & Technology on 27th.2013.
  • Participated in One Day National Seminar on“Recent Trends in Coordination Chemistry”at M. B. Patel College, Sakoli on 20th 2013.
  • Participated in One Day National Seminar on “The Chemistry of Cosmetic & its Impact on Human Health” at S.S. Girl College, Gondia on 26th 2013.
  • Participated in One Day State Seminar on “Historical Review of Human Rights and Their Constitutional Promulgation Under Present Context” at S.S. Jaiswal College on 7th2013.
  • Participated in Two Day International Conference on “Applications of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Development” at Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur on 17 & 18th2014.
  • Participated in Seven Days National Workshop on “Research Methodology” at C.P. and Berar College, Nagpur on 02 to 08 Nov.
  • Participated in One Day National Seminar on “Micro-Scale Techniques in Chemistry” at D. B. Science College, Gondia on 20th 2014.
  • Participated in Two Day National Conference on“Sustainable Chemistry: Frontiers and Challenges” Brijlal Biyani Science College, Amravation 30-31 Jan. 2015.
  • Participated in One Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences” at Janata College, Chandrapur on 16th 2015.
  • Participated in One Day University level Workshop on “Discussion on Restructuring of UG Syllabus” at Daramphedh M.P. Deo Memorial Science College, Nagpur on 11th2015
  • Participated in One Day University level Workshop on “Introduction Research Methodology” at Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi College on 12th2016.
  • Participated in One Day national level conference on “Indian Heritage in Chemistry” at Hislop College Nagpur. March 2018
  • Participated in One Day State level Workshop on “Revised Accrediation Framework of NAAC” at Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi College. March 2019
  • Participated in One Day University level Workshop on “New Performance Based Appraisal System ” at Renuka College Nagpur. Dec.  2019
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “Development of Higher Education in India-An Overview” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD. 16   2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “Role of Teachers  in Technology Driven Higher Education” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD. 28   2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “Towards Excellence in Higher Eduction in 21st Century in India: Challenges & Oppertunity ” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD. 29   2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “Towards Excellence in Higher Eduction in 21st Century in India: Challenges & Oppertunity ” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD. 29   2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “ Challenges & Oppertunities before Indian Higher Education due to Covid-19 ” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD. 02 May  2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “e-Content Developed Methodology” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD 15 May  2020
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “Teaching During and  Post Covid Time” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD  12 June 
  • Participated in One Day National level Seminar on “ICT enabled science Eduction in India” organised by  GAD-TlC MHRD  28 June  2020

Administrative Experience

  • Appointed as a member of Special Taskforce Committee by RTM Nagpur University (2022)
  • Recognized by R.T.M. Nagpur University as a PhD supervisor in the subject Chemistry
  • Worked as Coordinator for the Career Katta at college level.
  • Worked as Coordinator for the SWAYAM at college level.
  • Worked as Coordinator for the Pre-IAS Coaching Centre at college level
  • Worked as “Presiding Officer” in various election duties of Government of India.
  • Engaging remedial coaching classes for SC/ST UG students in the college.
  • Worked as paper valuer and moderator at spot valuation centre RTM Nagpur University.
  • Worked as internal/external examiner for practical examinations of RTM Nagpur University.
  • Worked as Chief Supervisor for several examinations of RTM Nagpur University.

Recognition/Awards/Appreciation at National or International Level

Other Academic or Non Academic Contribution